The Angry Floridian

One young curmudgeon stews in Southwest Florida.

Friday, September 22, 2006

Comin' soon.

The Angry Floridian's as grumpy as they get -- she's in her mid-20s, but she can out-curmudgeon the grouchiest of oldsters. Maybe that's the effect of living since one's infancy in a state known for its population of shuffleboard-lovin' retirees -- attitudes can be contagious, and the Angry Floridian's ready to settle down on her front porch, cane in hand, and scream at those pesky neighborhood kids to stay the hell off her lawn. Rock on, Angry Floridian.

Occasionally, the Angry Floridian also enjoys talking about herself in the third person. Makes things interesting sometimes.

Don't get her wrong -- the Angry Floridian can be an absolutely lovely person. She's a good kid at heart. It's just that the actions of those around her -- bad drivers, clueless snowbirds, crappy parents, etc. -- really, really get her goat.

So look out, Southwest Florida -- the Angry Floridian's about to be unleashed.


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